Google is the most favourite brand online

Hi guys,

Today is Sunday so i decide to take a break off the writing streak :d
So instead i will give you a bit update with regards to The Most Favorite Brands online

In accordance to JupiterResearch’s survey, once again Google Won the popularity contest.
You can refer to the picture below from JupiterResearch:

When you look at the number, please take note that respondent can select two, that’s why if you add all the numbers up, the total is more than 100%
Interestingly to note:
“Yahoo fans skew female but tend toward the mainstream, while Google fans are more likely to be male, a little more wealthy…” Jupiter wrote.

You can read the whole article from NY Times

Also, start from today, i will add another section regarding Search Engine Marketing News to this website. I will try to put News that is related to Singapore and Southeast Asia only. However, as you know there is no boundaries when it comes to the internet so we need to constantly update ourselves with what’s happening around the world as well.

Have a lovely Sunday to those who read this post today 🙂


  1. Absolutely!

    Let’s talk about it over lunch end of this week. Glad to have you working in this field also kimbee 🙂

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